Burleigh Heads, QLD 4220

Industrial | Offices


  • Property ID: 418343
  • Floor Area: 128m²
Sold / Leased Results

Name Result Date Floor Land Result Price
Leased N/A 128m2 N/A N/A

Exceptional, cutting edge design and finishes throughout.
First floor comprises 64m2 air-conditioned open plan office work space plus;
* generous glazed boardroom
* private directors office
* full bathroom w/ shower
Ground floor comprises approx. 50m2 epoxy floor area, clean warehouse with roller door access plus;
* kitchenette and toilet
* catches natural light and breeze
* open location with view of surrounding Burleigh precinct and greenery
* clean and modern complex seconds from the M1 currently being facelifted

For LEASE: $4,200 + GST Per Calendar Month

Positioned in the well-known Burleigh Heads Industrial and Commercial hub, this one off versatile warehouse is a comprehensive package which suits online / e-commerce business'. The contemporary complex with all services surrounding, is sure to impress on inspection as you can see in photos.

PRO Commercial has not personally confirmed the property information we pass on. We give no guarantee as to the accuracy of this information. Prospective purchasers and lessees should rely on their own enquiries and should satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of all information given by their own inspections, searches, advices or as is otherwise necessary. No duty of care is assumed by PRO Commercial toward the purchasers and lessees with regard to the use of this information and all information given is given without responsibility.

Burleigh Heads Suburb Profile

Average Advertised Price
Property Type Price (m²) Rent (m²/p.a.) Yield
Offices $4388 $343 7.82%
Industrial $4368 $321 7.36%
Retail --- $175 ---
This is the average advertised price, rent and yield for Burleigh Heads, QLD 4220*

Days on Market
Time between initial ad placement and the listing’s withdrawal

Days on Market data for Industrial in QLD for Lease

The spread of Days on Market is summarised into 4 time-bands (or quartiles) for each segment.
Understanding market expectations is skewed towards examining changes in the shortest duration quartile (fastest 25%)

Transactions per Month

* Excludes, where applicable, GST, outgoings and incentives. Values calculated based on the prices advertised by the agencies that list their properties on Commercial Property Guide.

Property Detail Notes:

  • 3rd Party Content - The information displayed on this page is supplied by registered real estate agents and other third parties. For questions regarding the information that appears here please contact the agent that is listed.
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