Strategically located on Doyles Road, South Shepparton, (the alternative truck route of Shepparton), this modern and up to date cold and dry storage complex comprises;
LAND AREA: Approximately 33,700. Square meters with main road frontage. Sealed ingress and egress designed specifically for B Double transports.
STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS: Modern and up to date cold and dry storage complex – main area 12 cool rooms having storage capacity of approximately 6,000 pallets, large internal dry storage and handling area plus a further two newly constructed cool rooms fully racked with a capacity of 2,400 Pallets. Large undercover on and off-loading area.
Additional improvements include administration office and amenities, site office, truck wash. Ample truck parking.
The plant room comprises – six-cylinder Vilter Compressor, two four-cylinder Vilter compressors, 4-cylinder Mycom compressor, cooling tower with variable speed, accumulator with new ammonia pumps and all new pipe work. Ground work carried out for an additional 5000 square metre building.
There is also a telephone tower owned by Optus with a long-term ground lease.
JDK Management have decided to reduce their holdings in Shepparton and now offer this first-class complex for private sale.
Property Code: 3920