This prime investment opportunity offers a Government tenant lease to December 2025 with further option to renew.
The Property has been extensively fitted out by the tenant including internal bathroom and kitchen.
The Nambucca Plaza is a prime location in a busy mid north coast holiday town and offers plenty of on site parking.
There is a range of 18 specialty shops including an IGA supermarket...
Strata Plan shows lot area as 152m2.
For further information, arrange inspection or request copy of contract of sale - contact exclusive agents:- Your Commercial Property Specialist
Cherie Parik: 0423 369 999 or
Office: (02) 5606 2444 or
We are your commercial property people - and we look forward to securing this property for you/your client!
The information contained herein has been supplied to us and we have no reason to doubt its accuracy, however we cannot guarantee it. Accordingly, all interested parties should make their own enquiries to verify the information. Subject to Council approval