Owner occupiers or investors take note:
ORI is located at 30 Lonsdale St in Braddon, ACT. This 6 storey building of 54 apartments, retail, commercial space and basement parking. The property features with a distinctive facade that sets it apart from the mundane. Ori has approximately 2,500m2 of commercial and retail space over two levels and is a highly sought after location for commercial/retail businesses and the surrounding precinct provides a rich mix of retail/cafe and professional suites.
Unit 76/level one comprises of 427m2 of commercial space which can be divided into 3 tenancies if desired.
Toilet amenities with showers are located within the suite with an accessible toilet located in the buildings common area.
The property can be accessed via lift or stairs with the main entrance leading of the central Atrium within the building
6 car parks are on title
Territory Plan - Land Use Zone: CZ3: SERVICES ZONE
Offered for sale or lease and suitable for a wide range of uses
Please contact David Toner 0402 673 547 for more information/inspection