Suite 4.02/301 Coronation Drive, Milton, QLD 4064

Offices | Offices | Offices


  • Property ID: 443341
  • Floor Area: 304m²

Welcome to your dream office space! We have a 304 SQM* spec fitted office.
Experience a home-inspired atmosphere featuring an earthy palate of stone, walnut, and natural-look timber.

Main Features:

- Classy 10 person boardroom and 6 person meeting room both with Brisbane River views
- 26 large workstations
- Plethora of collaborative areas and a relaxing break out space
- Spacious entry/waiting areas to provide a warm welcome for clients and guests
- New end of trip facilities with showers, lockers, bike racks and bike repair station for your active employees
- Modern upgraded entry and lift foyer
- Large visitor car park
- Convenient access for employees and guests - only a 1 minute walk from public transport
- Easy access to Bicentennial Bikeway promoting healthy work life balance on the backdrop of the Brisbane river
- Available now

For more information or to arrange an inspection, please contact Tony Morena.

*Approximate **If Applicable.

Milton Suburb Profile

Average Advertised Price
Property Type Price (m²) Rent (m²/p.a.) Yield
Offices $5230 $417 7.98%
Industrial $5396 $257 4.76%
Retail $4735 $326 6.89%
This is the average advertised price, rent and yield for Milton, QLD 4064*

Days on Market
Time between initial ad placement and the listing’s withdrawal

Days on Market data for Offices in QLD for Lease

The spread of Days on Market is summarised into 4 time-bands (or quartiles) for each segment.
Understanding market expectations is skewed towards examining changes in the shortest duration quartile (fastest 25%)

Transactions per Month

* Excludes, where applicable, GST, outgoings and incentives. Values calculated based on the prices advertised by the agencies that list their properties on Commercial Property Guide.

  Ellison Specialised Properties Pty Ltd


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Property Detail Notes:

  • 3rd Party Content - The information displayed on this page is supplied by registered real estate agents and other third parties. For questions regarding the information that appears here please contact the agent that is listed.
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